February 2019


OAG employees must document all written and oral communications they receive that impart or request material information or make a material argument regarding potential action concerning a procurement matter, including but not limited to an application, a contract, or a project. This requirement does not apply to communications regarding the administration and implementation of an existing contract, except communications regarding change orders or the renewal or extension of a contract.

Name and
Title OAG

Date/time of contact

Name and title of
person making
contact and name of company


Name and title
of each
participant to

Method of contact (oral by phone, oral
in person, or in writing). If by phone,
list each person's phone number. If in
person, list location of meeting.

duration of

Provide a detailed summary of the points made by each
person involved in the communication, including any
action requested or recommendation made, and the
substance of your response.

Donna Humphries
Auditor V

02/05/2019 08:30 AM

Devin Pool, HP sales
Sam Mekkey, HP sales
Ron Clark, CDS sales



devin.pool - at - hp.com
sam.mekkey-at- hp.com
rclark - at cdsot.com


Received quote and information on HP printer/copier.

Courtney Dzierwa Auditor V

02/05/2019 10:53 AM

Marites Sy, Partner
E.C. Ortiz & Co., LLP





Discussed delays and potential timetable amendment for Department of Natural Resources engagement

Courtney Dzierwa Auditor V

02/04/2019 14:30 PM

Marites Sy, Partner
E.C. Ortiz & Co., LLP



In person (OAG Springfield Office)

10 minutes

Discussed delays and potential timetable amendment for Department of Natural Resources engagement

Courtney Dzierwa Auditor V

02/05/2019 10:57 AM

Marites Sy, Partner
E.C. Ortiz & Co., LLP





Discussed delays and potential timetable amendment for Department of Natural Resources engagement

Courtney Dzierwa Auditor V

02/05/2019 13:49 PM

Marites Sy, Partner
E.C. Ortiz & Co., LLP





Notified Marites that the timetable amendment documents were ready for signature

Stacie Sherman, Auditor IV

02/06/2019 13:45 PM

Stella Santos, Partner
Adelfia LLC





Discussed potential timetable amendment for FY18 Western Illinois Unviersity complaince examination and single audit.

Gordon French IS IV

02/01/2019 09:06 AM

JP Wilson with ASI, Inc.



Email: jpwilsonATasisystem.com


Ask for price quote for HP Server extended warranty

Gordon French IS IV

02/07/2019 08:44 AM

Ted Raymond & Sami Khudair, SolarWinds Software



Email: ted.raymondATsolarwinds.com & sami.khudairATsolarwinds.com


Request information on patch management, asked for a demo and price quote.

Lisa Warden, Auditor V

02/08/2019 14:18 PM

Vicki VanDenBerg, Partner, PlanteMoran


Steven Bishop, Partner Plante Moran

Email: Lwarden - at - auditor.illinois.gov Vicki.VanDenBerg - at - plantemoran.com Steven.Bishop - at - plantemoran.com


Proposed amended compliance timetable dates and requested proposed financial timetable amended date for FY18 audit of Southern Illinois University.

Lisa Warden, Auditor V

02/08/2019 14:39 PM

Vicki VanDenBerg, Partner, PlanteMoran


Steven Bishop, Partner Plante Moran

Email: Lwarden - at - auditor.illinois.gov Vicki.VanDenBerg - at - plantemoran.com Steven.Bishop - at - plantemoran.com


Partner suggested 2 dates for the amended financial report due date and asked for input from the other partner for the FY18 Southern Illinois University audit.

Lisa Warden, Auditor V

02/08/2019 16:22 PM

Vicki VanDenBerg, Partner, PlanteMoran


Steven Bishop, Partner Plante Moran

Email: Lwarden - at - auditor.illinois.gov Vicki.VanDenBerg - at - plantemoran.com Steven.Bishop - at - plantemoran.com


I proposed dates for the amended timetable and asked for additional feedback for the FY18 Southern Illinois university audit.

Lisa Warden, Auditor V

02/08/2019 17:33 PM

Vicki VanDenBerg, Partner, PlanteMoran


Steven Bishop, Partner Plante Moran

Email: Lwarden - at - auditor.illinois.gov Vicki.VanDenBerg - at - plantemoran.com Steven.Bishop - at - plantemoran.com


The primary partner agreed to proposed date changes.

Lisa Warden, Auditor V

02/10/2019 13:41 PM

Steven Bishop, Partner Plante Moran


Vicki VanDenBerg, Partner, Plante Moran

Email: Lwarden - at - auditor.illinois.gov Vicki.VanDenBerg - at - plantemoran.com Steven.Bishop - at - plantemoran.com


The secondary partner agreed to proposed amended timetable dates.

Thomas L. Kizziah, Auditor V

02/11/2019 10:45 AM

Heather Powell, Managing Director, BKD LLP


Telephone: Heather Powell - 217-421-6869 Thomas L. Kizziah 217-782-0816

5 minutes

I called Heather to ask her if the Firm was still interested in performing the State University Retirement System engagement for the year ended June 30, 2019 and if the Firm was still independent. She stated the Firm was interested in continuing and is still independent. We also discussed the timing for the start of the engagement.

Thomas L. Kizziah, Auditor V

02/11/2019 13:35 PM

Joesph Evans, Partner, RSM US LLP


Telephone: Joseph Evans - 312-634-4540 Thomas L. Kizziah 217-782-0816

5 minutes

I called Joe to ask him if the Firm was still interested in performing the Illinois Finance Authority engagement for the year ended June 30, 2019 and if the Firm was still independent. He stated the Firm was interested in continuing and is still independent. We also discussed the timing for the start of the engagement.

Gordon French IS IV

02/09/2019 13:48 PM

Lukas Wine, Sales Manager


Email: lwineATsepusa.com


Quote and info on their backup software soloution

Gordon French IS IV

02/13/2019 13:58 PM

Crystal Boyd, CDS sales
Jason Contreras, Insight
Jason Sturtewagen, CDW-G




Ask for price quote on 2 32gb ironkeys

Jane Clark, Director

02/07/2019 10:51 AM

Amy Sherwood, Partner Sikich LLP


phone: Jane Clark 217-782-0811 Amy Sherwood 217-793-3363

3 minutes

I called Amy Sherwood to let her know the OAG had selected Sikich's proposals in response to the OAG competitive RFP process for both the Dept. of Lottery and the Capital Development Board. The assigned manager for each engagement will be reaching out to her in the near future to discuss the contracting process.

Daniel J. Nugent, Senior Audit Manager

02/14/2019 14:30 PM

Amy Sherwood, Partner Sikich LLP


In-Person Oral Conversation at the Auditor General's Springfield Office

4 minutes

I discussed the next steps we needed to complete in order to start the Department of the Lottery's Fiscal Year 2019 engagements. I placed significant emphasis on the need to maintain the engagement timetable from the RFP. Ms. Sherwood indicated she was going to complete her steps as soon as possible.

Stacie Sherman, Auditor IV

02/08/2019 09:55 AM

Stella Santos, Partner
Adelfia LLC




Ms. Santos provided the proposed dates for the contract amendment for the FY18 compliance examination of Western Illinois University.

Stacie Sherman,
Auditor IV

02/11/2019 10:58 AM

Stella Santos, Partner
Adelfia LLC




I let Ms Santos know that I prepared the contract amendments for the FY18 compliance examination of Western Illinois University and mailed them to her for her signature.

Stacie Sherman,
Auditor IV

02/15/2019 00:45 AM

Stella Santos, Partner
Adelfia LLC




Ms. Santos let me know that the signed contract amendment for the FY18 compliance examination of Western Illinois Unviersity was dropped off at the OAG.

Thomas L. Kizziah, Auditor V

02/19/2019 10:02 AM

Joesph Evans, Partner, RSM US LLP


Telephone: Joseph Evans - 312-634-4540 Thomas L. Kizziah 217-782-0816

5 minutes

I called Joe to discuss the timing of the Illinois Finance Authority engagement along with the hours needed to complete during Phase I of the contract. Joe stated he would send me his formal proposal later this week.

Thomas L. Kizziah, Auditor V

02/19/2019 10:02 AM

Heather Powell, Managing Director, BKD LLP


Telephone: Heather Powell - 217-421-6869 Thomas L. Kizziah 217-782-0816

5 minutes

I called Heather to discuss the timing of the State Universities engagement along with the hours needed to complete during Phase I of the contract. Heather stated she would drop off her formal proposal laster this week.

Thomas L. Kizziah, Auditor V

02/19/2019 11:20 AM

Chuck Kozlik, Principal CliftonLarsonAllen LLP


Telephone: Chuck Kozlik - 630-368-3662 Thomas L. Kizziah 217-782-0816

5 minutes

I called Chuck to discuss the timing of the upcoming Northern Illinois University engagement and ask him if he was still interested and independent. Chuck stated the firm was interested and independent. We also discussed the approximate start time and hours for the Phase I contract.

Janis Van Durme, Auditor V

02/14/2019 06:43 AM

Linda Abernethy, RSM Partner


Van Durme: jvandurme-at-auditor.illinois.gov Abernethy: Linda.Abernethy-at-rsmus.com

I emailed Linda to discuss a proposed amendment 2 for the IDOR compliance and financial audit timetable.

Janis Van Durme, Auditor V

02/19/2019 11:06 AM

Linda Abernethy, RSM Partner


Van Durme: jvandurme-at-auditor.illinois.gov Abernethy: Linda.Abernethy-at-rsmus.com

Linda emailed me a proposed timeline for the IDOR compliance and financial timetable.

Janis Van Durme, Auditor V

02/19/2019 10:29 AM

Amy Sherwood, Partner Sikich LLP


Van Durme: jvandurme-at-auditor.illinois.gov Sherwood: Amy.Sherwood-at-sikich.com

Amy inquired if we could start the State Board of Elections FY18/19 compliance examination early.

Janis Van Durme, Auditor V

02/19/2019 11:15 AM

Amy Sherwood, Partner Sikich LLP


Van Durme: jvandurme-at-auditor.illinois.gov Sherwood: Amy.Sherwood-at-sikich.com

I stated we could start the State Board of Elections FY18/19 compliance examination early. And confirmed Sikich was interested and independent to perform the engagement. I also set out the timeframe for the contract negotiation process.

Thomas L. Kizziah, Auditor V

02/19/2019 13:25 PM

Jeffrey Bonick, Managing Principal CliftonLarsonAllen LLP


Phone: Jeffrey Bonick 813-384-2758 Thomas L. Kizziah 217-782-0816

7 minutes

At my request, Jeff called me to discuss the upcoming engagement for the University of Illinois. I asked Jeff if he was still interested in performing the engagment and if he was independent. He answered both questions in the affirmative. We discussed the timing, staffing and the Phase I estimated hours. Jeff stated he would send me his proposal during the week of March 18.

Thomas L. Kizziah, Auditor V

02/19/2019 14:42 PM

Catherine Baumann, Partner KPMG LLP


Phone: Catherine Baumann 312-665-8980 Thomas L. Kizziah 217-782-0816

10 minutes

At my request, Cathy called me to discuss the upcoming engagements for the Illinois Development Finance Authority and the Illinois State Board of Investment. I asked Cathy if she was still interested in performing the engagments and if she was independent. She answered both questions in the affirmative for both engagements. We discussed the timing, staffing and the Phase I estimated hours. The timing of her proposals is contingent upon when we finalization of the June 30, 2018 engagements.

Sara Metzger, Auditor V

02/19/2019 10:24 AM

Amy Sherwood, Partner Sikich LLP


Metzger: smetzger-at-auditor.illinois.gov Sherwood: Amy.Sherwood-at-sikich.com

Amy inquired if we could start the Department of Central Management Services FY18/19 compliance examination and FY19 Financial audits when they have staff available.

Sara Metzger, Auditor V

02/19/2019 01:58 AM

Amy Sherwood, Partner Sikich LLP


Metzger: smetzger-at-auditor.illinois.gov Sherwood: Amy.Sherwood-at-sikich.com

I stated we could start the Department of Central Management Services FY18/19 compliance examination and FY19 Financial audits on their timeline. And confirmed Sikich was interested and independent to perform the engagement. I also let her know I would send the welcome letter in the next few weeks.

Thomas L. Kizziah, Auditor V

02/21/2019 13:28 PM

Heather Powell, Managing Director, BKD LLP


In person (OAG Springfield Office)

Heather dropped off her proposal for the upcoming State Universities Retirement System engagement.

Thomas L. Kizziah, Auditor V

02/22/2019 08:13 AM

Joesph Evans, Partner, RSM US LLP


Email: Joseph.Evans-at-rsmus.com tkizziah-at-auditor.illinois.gov


Joe email me his proposal for the upcoming Illinois Finance Authority engagement.

Thomas L. Kizziah, Auditor V

02/25/2019 10:30 AM

Heather Powell, Managing Director, BKD LLP


Telephone: Heather Powell - 217-421-6869 Thomas L. Kizziah 217-782-0816

3 minutes

I called Heather to let her know that our office accepted her proposal for the upcoming State Universities Retirement System engagement and that I would be overnighting the contract to her for signatures.

Janis Van Durme, Auditor V

02/25/2019 15:43 PM

Amy Sherwood, Partner Sikich LLP


Van Durme: jvandurme-at-auditor.illinois.gov Sherwood: Amy.Sherwood-at-sikich.com

Sent Amy the Welcome Letter and attachments for the State Board of Elections FY18/19 Compliance Examination

Janis Van Durme, Auditor V

02/25/2019 15:49 PM

Linda Abernethy, Partner


Van Durme: jvandurme-at-auditor.illinois.gov Sherwood: Linda.Abernethy-at-rsmus.com

Sent Linda an email inquirying if RSM was interested and independent to perform the DHS FY19 Financial Audit and the FY18/19 Compliance Examination.

Janis Van Durme, Auditor V

02/25/2019 15:52 PM

Linda Abernethy, Partner


Van Durme: jvandurme-at-auditor.illinois.gov Sherwood: Linda.Abernethy-at-rsmus.com

Sent Linda an email inquirying if RSM was interested and independent to perform the IDOR FY19 Financial Audit.

Janis Van Durme, Auditor V

02/25/2019 15:54 PM

Linda Abernethy, Partner


Van Durme: jvandurme-at-auditor.illinois.gov Sherwood: Linda.Abernethy-at-rsmus.com

Linda responded stating RSM was interested and independent to perform the IDOR FY19 Financial Audit.

Janis Van Durme, Auditor V

02/25/2019 15:53 PM

Linda Abernethy, Partner


Van Durme: jvandurme-at-auditor.illinois.gov Sherwood: Linda.Abernethy-at-rsmus.com

Linda responded stating RSM was interested and independent to perform the DHS FY19 Financial Audit and the FY18/19 Compliance Examination.

Daniel J. Nugent, Senior Audit Manager

02/26/2019 15:02 PM

Joesph Evans, Partner, RSM US LLP


Electronic Mail Nugent: dnugent-at-auditor.illinois.gov Evans: joseph.evans-at-rsmus.com

I inquired of Mr. Evans if his firm was (1) interested in performing the Fiscal Year 2019 financial audit, Single Audit, and compliance examination of the Illinois State University and (2) independent.

Daniel J. Nugent, Senior Audit Manager

02/27/2019 07:45 AM

Joesph Evans, Partner, RSM US LLP


Electronic Mail Nugent: dnugent-at-auditor.illinois.gov Evans: joseph.evans-at-rsmus.com

Mr. Evans replied to my inquiry of February 26, 2019, indicating the firm was interested and independent.

Daniel J. Nugent, Senior Audit Manager

02/15/2019 09:04 AM

Amy Sherwood, Partner Sikich LLP


Electronic Mail Nugent: dnugent-at-auditor.illinois.gov Sherwood: asherwood-at-sikich.com

I sent Ms. Sherwood the materials she would need to prepare an informal proposal for the upcoming Fiscal Year 2019 financial audit and compliance examination of the Department of the Lottery.

Daniel J. Nugent, Senior Audit Manager

02/19/2019 10:30 AM

Amy Sherwood, Partner Sikich LLP


U. S. Mail

Ms. Sherwood provided the informal proposal for the Fiscal Year 2019 financial audit and compliance examination of the Department of the Lottery.

Daniel J. Nugent, Senior Audit Manager

02/25/2019 13:30 PM

Amy Sherwood, Partner Sikich LLP


Phone Nugent: (217) 524-8153 Sherwood: (217)793-3363

I called Ms. Sherwood to inform her we had accepted her informal proposal.

Gordon French IS IV

02/21/2019 14:57 PM

SHI: Sales, Precilla Lin


Email: Precilla_LinATSHI.com

Ask for price quote on Adobe Creative Suite upgrade

Stephanie Wildhaber, Audit Manager

02/19/2019 11:05 AM

Amy Sherwood, Partner Sikich LLP


Phone Wildhaber (217) 785-0165 Sherwood: (217)793-3363

5 minutes

I called Amy to ask him if her firm was still interested in performing the Secretary of State Financial Audit for the year ended June 30, 2019, the FY18/19 Secretary of State Compliance Exmaination, as well as the FY18/19 Financial Audit and Compliance Examination of the Illinois Literacy Foundation. I also inquired if the firm was still independent. She stated the firm was interested in continuing and is still independent. I told her I would send the welcome letter in the near future.

Teresa Davis
Fiscal Officer

02/28/2019 11:03 AM

Keelan Alberts
Government Account Manager
Pitney Bowes


(217) 782-9305
(630) 415-5155

19 minutes

Discussed the purchase and specifications of a new mailing system (postage machine). Requested a price quote for the mailing system.

Megan Green
Auditor IV

02/19/2019 10:32 AM

Amy Sherwood, Partner Sikich LLP


Green: mgreen-at-auditor.illinois.gov Sherwood: Amy.Sherwood-at-sikich.com

Amy asked what I needed from her to set up the contracting documents.

Megan Green
Auditor IV

02/20/2019 09:55 AM

Amy Sherwood, Partner Sikich LLP


Green: mgreen-at-auditor.illinois.gov Sherwood: Amy.Sherwood-at-sikich.com

I responded to Amy's question regarding what I need from her to set up contracting documents. I stated I would send her the 2019 Welcome Letter when it becomes available.

Megan Green
Auditor IV

02/26/2019 15:23 PM

Amy Sherwood, Partner Sikich LLP


Green: mgreen-at-auditor.illinois.gov Sherwood: Amy.Sherwood-at-sikich.com

Sent Amy the Welcome Letter and attachments for the Capital Development Board FY19 Financial Audit

Megan Green
Auditor IV

02/28/2019 10:26 AM

Amy Sherwood, Partner Sikich LLP


Green: mgreen-at-auditor.illinois.gov Sherwood: Amy.Sherwood-at-sikich.com

Amy asked if I wanted her to schedule an entrance conference and include that specific date in the timetable or use the start date in the RFP.

Megan Green
Auditor IV

02/28/2019 10:26 AM

Amy Sherwood, Partner Sikich LLP


Green: mgreen-at-auditor.illinois.gov Sherwood: Amy.Sherwood-at-sikich.com

I responded to Amy's question, stating it would be ok to go ahead and schedule the entrance conference and include that date in the timetable in the contract.

Gordon French IS IV

02/27/2019 11:50 AM

Mahdi Elmokashfi, Matrix System sales
Scott Kunay, IGTG Consulting, sales
Nicole Izurieta, Inside Sales Group Anthony Petrelli, SHI sales


ISGATnovacoast.com anthony_petrilliATshi.com

Price quote for annual renewal of GWAVA WASP

Janis Van Durme, Auditor V

02/28/2019 15:53 PM

Amy Sherwood, Partner Sikich LLP


Van Durme: jvandurme-at-auditor.illinois.gov Sherwood: Amy.Sherwood-at-sikich.com

Amy sent me the Informal Proposal package for the FY18/19 Compliance Examination of the State Board of Elections